“There are four basic human needs; food, sleep, sex and revenge.”
― Banksy
Banksy is one of the most famous, or infamous depending on your outlook, artists in Britain today. He is a hidden identity, although many rumors of who he really is have surfaced. He earned his fame after graffiti-ing, or tagging, Bristol, England in the 1990's. Some call him an artist, as I do, others consider him a vandal, but one thing everyone agrees on; he is controversial and makes people think.
Banksy is an anonymous graffiti activist in Britain and around the world. His website, features his artwork and some information. He also provides images for his fans to use to create merchendise for themselves, but he points out that it's not okay to sell anything. Born in Bristol in 1974, he started as a free-hand vandal when he was 14. He later switched to stencils because he claims he wasn't very good at free-hand and it was too slow.
In 2006, an exhibition in Los Angeles was centered around an 8,000 pound elephant covered in red paint and fleur-de-lis patterns. Needless to say, animals rights activists were not so happy and they were ordered to wash the elephant. Flyers were handed out in the crowd and read something to mean "There's an elephant in the room...20 billion people live below the poverty line."
Much of his artwork has a message behind it and inspires many to think about their government and social stance. It is also rather hard to explain at times, and is much easier understood just by looking at the work. Banksy is an activist and self titled "art terrorist" and therefore creates more of an impact to society. If people don't know who he is, they look more into the artwork for meaning. Humans have a need for knowledge, and this causes people to remember his artwork since they have no real identity to pair with it.
“Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.”
His anonymity is part of who he is, and he runs his own narrative always keeping his identity hidden. He conducts interviews through both, but when he meets with someone face to face, he wears a creative paper bag to hide his identity. He uses the organization, Pest Control, to authenticate real Banksy work from imposters. Even the few that do know who he his will deny it, time after time, to keep the secret.
Here is a website with a series of GIFs created from Banksy work, including the following.
Banksy has also made a film in 2010, called Exit Through the Gift Shop. It is a documentary (Banksy style) about the creation and making of street art. The New York Times commented that is strongly comparable to his best work. The film was even on a list for on Oscar in the documentary category in 2010.
Banksy seems to have a heart for animals. They often stand in for humans, especially the rats. They appear in many of Banksy's pieces seeming to be fighting a war against an unseen enemy.
Banksy does not have a Twitter or Facebook account.
The entity that is Banksy is not just an anonymous artist, but is a force towards change.
“People who get up early in the morning cause war, death and famine.”
Banging Your Head Against a Brick Wall
For more images click here. This is a site with over 100 Banksy originals.
Sources I used:
Banksy Unmasked?-http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1034538/Graffiti-artist-Banksy-unmasked---public-schoolboy-middle-class-suburbia.html#axzz2K9WfLZJs
Unmasked by TIME-http://www.time.com/time/arts/article/0,8599,1825271,00.html
Smithsonian Magazine-http://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/The-Story-Behind-Banksy-187953941.html
This is an amazing perspective. I hope you are enjoying your blogs because I certainly am. Another great job!