Hello to anyone who follows this blog, which I'm assuming is nobody since I haven't posted in two years. I started this blog for a social media class I took in college and just never deleted it. I recently created a
Patreon account to help support my dream of being able to pay my bills by creating art.
What is she, crazy? I am.

One of the hints to a successful Patreon is to have a blog, so I thought "Hey, I have one already, I'll just add on to it!" We'll see how up-to-date I can keep you all.
By the way, Patreon is a site for content creators such as artists, musicians, designers, etc. I am a visual artists that creates mostly drawings and paintings, but I also dabble in graphic design and some jewelry and keychains.
Like this little leather bound journal keychain I made! Fully functional and easily transported!
Oh! I'm so terrible at introductions! I create under the name of
Owl Eyrie (
owl air-ee) on most of my sites. I have a few that are under older urls because, as a starving artist, I can't pay to change them (
facebook.com/MyWayDesigns and
You already know I have a
Patreon, but I also have an
Etsy store in which I sell some of my jewelry and I can easily create and sell custom artwork and jewelry for anyone! I accept credit cards, gift cards, and Paypal. I am sometimes on
Twitter, I still don't quite understand the hashtags and whatnot. I'm young, but old fashioned.
I've been drawing a lot of koi fish lately, but they are so fun and free! The watercolor above is one of my favorites. My most recent commissioned painting is called
Hope In Darkness and is in acrylic on masonite board. It's approximately 3' x 1.5' unframed, and sold for $160.
I guess that's a pretty decent update. I will attempt to post at least once a week on how my art endeavors are moving forward rather then backward like they sometimes feel.
Thank you for reading and I hope to gain your support!
-Owl Eyrie